Eat that frog with a Pomodoro.

Lyba Noor
2 min readApr 16, 2021

First of all Pomodor is a technique or an effective tool to deal with a bad habit of postponing something.

My task is to complete my university assignment which i am delaying from past week.

From the last week, my assignment is on pending due to me being a procrastinator and by using Pomodoro techinque i did it today.

By following the technique,i set an alarm for 25 minutes and paid attention to my task by trying to reduce the distractions around me. Many people were texting me on whatsapp and other apps notifications also popped up but i only focused on my task. I divided the assignment into 3 parts and 1 part was completed and i took a break of 4 minutes.

After the break,i resumed my work by setting an alarm of 25 minutes again but suddenly a notification popped up on my mobile screen about my favourite movie but i ignored it and kept doing my task and completed another part of the assignment and took a break of 3 minutes for drinking water and refreshing my mind.

After the second break,i again set an alarm of 25 minutes and resumed my work,i was tired so i was not able to complete my work and took a break again.

After the third break,i again set an alarm and finally i was able to complete my work and at last i rewarded myself with a chocolate.

It was an amazing lesson for me,it was somewhat difficult to do it but despite of all the distractions, i managed to do it, i was so happy that i finally completed my assignment which seemed impossible to me before finally doing it. I learnt to come out of the comfort zone and do something which seemed impossible to me before doing it.

I will use this technique everyday from now on for all my tasks as i found this technique very useful and not tiring.

