First of all what is kindness? Kindness is being friendly,helping everyone in every possible way,being generous and caring about others feelings,compassion and we can include many things in it. Kindness in real is type of behavior marked by acts of generosity or concern for others without expecting praise or reward.
Aristotle defines kindness as, “helpfulness towards someone in need,not in return for anything, nor for the advantage of the helper himself,but for that of the person helped”.
A small act of kindness can be a very big thing for somebody,I am going to mention some of my small acts of kindness that i did today,
1- I appreciated the cleaning lady at my house today that she is doing an amazing job that comment put a smile on her face. I don’t have a picture of it so i will use a random picture.

2- I made tea for my father in the morning as he is a morning tea person,it made him happy.

3- Well i don’t always do this but i appreciated my mother today that she is doing a great job that being a housewife is not an easy job and that thank you is not enough for what she do for me everyday but i still said thanks and she was very happy hearing all these things and kind of shocked too because i never say these type of things.

4- One of my friend was not feeling good due to some failures so i consoled her and tried to motivate her to try again and that its okey to fail.

5- As my mother was not at home today,she has to go to hospital for her regular checkup,i washed the dishes.

Well all of these were very small acts but still they made me feel happy.