Poverty and hunger as a major issue in Pakistan.
Importance of the problem
I always wanted to eradicate poverty and hunger as poverty is a very big issue even many organizations are working for it but still many people sleep hungry and die everyday due to poverty and hunger. I am mainly concerned about the wage labour,the labourers working everday and getting payment everyday according to their work, my main focus is on labourers working in brickyards or brickfields. The main issue is many times when air pollution increases these brickyards are closed by government and people working there have no source of income,many times they have to sleep hungry and they are also indebted due to it and also their children has to work to meet their needs due to which they don’t have chance to get education and they remain illetrate as their parents so poverty is transferred from parents to children.
Prime Minister Imran Khan started donating money to labourers during epidemic but still there were many people who were not able to collect that money due to many reasons due to illetracy,no identity cards etc. I want to help those people by all means so they don’t have to sleep hungry.
The problem statement
Due to lack of food, wage labor have to face hunger due to lack of jobs. Wage labor must get jobs so that they don’t have to suffer from hunger.
My case study
As the girl who works in my house as housemaid her father and brothers work in those brickyards, a few months ago, brickyard was closed so she told me about the issues it has caused that how they have to sleep hungry sometimes and they are indebted due to it and so they have to work as house maids and it showed that how hunger causes illetracy. I met her father and brothers and knew that they are suffering from this hunger issue from a long time and that they are uneducated so they must do these type of jobs to survive as their is no other source of income and that there is no other way than making their children do house jobs during the time they don’t have jobs.
As i was not able to take pictures i will include some random pictures related to my problem.

It was a good experience for me,talking to people about their problems and trying to solve them and finding ways to make other people cognizant about the issue and involving them in solving the issue. I was also somewhat sad hearing that how people are helpless and can’t do anything about it.
For helping those people i donated some money and i awared some of my friends about the issue and they too donated and somehow we were able to help those people and we also provided them with some rashan (ration).

What can be done about such an issue?
I want to eradicate poverty and hunger on bigger scale by awaring more and more people about it or may be involving some of my friends and asking them to make a group working and collecting charity for these people.
I think government also provide these kind of people with some jobs so they can meet their needs or at least we all provide them with food so at least they don’t have to sleep hungry.