I found these 5 tips in a course named Entrepreneurship by Amal Academy. I really found them very helpful for developing a growth mindset and how they really help in our professional and personal growth.
Following are the tips that i am going to share with you so that these tips may also help you in learning and growing.
- Self-talk

I think this is the best way to know yourself,your dreams before asking anyone you must ask yourself that what do you wanna do in any situation or in life and what is your purpose,are you happy or not,when you are feeling low and think you can’t do something,you must rewine those moments when you felt you can’t do something but you did it,you must appreciate yourself,you need to say yourself everyday that i can do anything i want to and you must accept others thoughts and ideas and appreciate them too,don’t compare yourself with anyone because this will stop you from doing anything.

Self-talking is very important for a growth mindset.

2. Get out of your comfort zone

This is a very good tip for a successful life. Yes, many times in our life we don’t want to do many things because they demand hard work and time so we just don’t do them but we must remember that for making a difference and for doing something big we must come out of our comfort zones because by just sitting and not doing anything productive,we can’t achieve anything. We must take risks and challenge ourselves to do somethings that we don’t want to do and yes learning and growing are not possible without coming out of our comfort zones.

3. Create new habits
I think this a very good tip for developing growth mindset. By creating new habits we learn to think and do things in different ways. I think creating new habits is the first step to change your fixed mindset to growth mindset because then you get adapted to new things,new habits,you do something that you have never done before and its a change for you to do something new.
4. Ask people forhelp
Many times we feel shy or we don’t want to make people think that we can’t do anything by ourselves so we don’t ask for help but i think for a growth mindset, you must start asking for help from the people you think are good and can or will help you,start taking feedback from others that you feel love you this will lead you towards improving yourself and growing and learning new things,you must accept negative feedback too because it is also a way to improve ourselves.
5. Fake it till you make it.
Many times when we try to change our mindset from fixed mindset to growth mindset,we are not able to accept new things but if we keep on trying it i think we accept it and know the good side of it and we start enjoying it and this increases our confidence in trying new things and we discover new truths due to it and we learn and grow.
I loved all of these tips as i have shared my views about all of them above.
I have started implementing getting out of my comfort zone as i am a lazy person but i am trying to improve and i have started self-talking to increase my self-loving.
I will try to implement all of these tips in my life for developing a growth mindset.